One bright day, in their salon flooded by autumn light, Franca and
Fernando, Francesco Sironi's grandchildren, came up with a brilliant idea: the spaces they had lived in deserved to be seen by other eyes and hearts to discover captivating heritage of memories and beauty. Their wish was to open The Sironi Silk House to the public as a home-museum.
The Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio (Savings Bank Foundation) of Tortona, guided by its promise to Franca and Fernando Sironi – to share this exceptional family's style and elegance with the world – has tried to fulfill the full scope of this vision. Via careful restoration, the images that reach out to us and, above all else, the magnificent collection of objects, we are able to imagine the intimate universe of special men and women like the Sironi siblings. Works of art by important painters, sculptures and ceramic masterpieces were the privileged company of and bore witness to the Sironi family's life – its moments of enjoyment and relaxation.
And now, guests can also delight in the memory of a faraway, joyful world – remaining, even if only a short while, as if wrapped by a silken red ribbon, in the wondrous poetry of this home.